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Grand Forks, ND - Cross Border Shopping and City Guide

Grand Forks, North Dakota, located approximately 230 km south of Winnipeg, Manitoba, is a popular cross border shopping destinations for Canadians living in Southern Manitoba.

Shopping in Grand Forks, ND

If you’re planning on shopping in Grand Forks, you may want to visit the Columbia Mall or the Grand Cities Mall, featuring department stores and retailers such as Gap, Macy’s and Sears.

For more information on shopping in Grand Forks, check out our local Shopping Directory and current Deal & Coupon Listings.

Hotels, Restaurants and Attractions in Grand Forks, ND

Planning on dining, staying overnight or taking in some local attractions on your shopping trip? Grand Forks has a variety of hotels in all price ranges, as well as restaurants featuring everything from fine dining to local dives. For more information, check out our local Hotel and Restaurant guides.

If you’re looking to take in some local attractions and activities on your trip, check out our local Attractions guide.

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